Monday, May 30, 2011

Born To Write

Mayra Barrios, Patrick Hernandez, and Gloria Anzaldua told me it was time to go to grad school. I thank them. I think I was too scared. Of what? Various things (mostly afraid of fear). I will go into those details at another time; but now, I am off to Cajun Country and you are invited to follow Nayelly's Great Cajun Adventures on this here blog (haha).

I think I originally wanted to do this two years ago, but various things stopped me. I finally stopped denying this to myself and jumped into the grueling application process. Long story short, I will begin working toward earning an MFA in poetry and MA in English from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

I'm looking forward to updating this blog at least once a week...even if it's a small thought, video, poem, platicas, whatevs. The last time I kept a blog it was a requirement for a reporting class. Anyway, we'll see what happens.

besitos y abrazotes