Sunday, November 11, 2012

Letras Latinas Roundtable with Lauro Vasquez and Lucas de Lima

I met Lauro Vasquez toward the end of the fall 2011 semester and then spent most of my time at AWP Chicago hanging out with him. Me encariñe tanto con el! This guy is genuine, intelligent and a very good writer. We mentioned collaborating on some round table discussions with the goal to explore our craft and hone a community among Latin@s in MFA programs.

Check out a round table discussion I was a part of with him and Lucas de Lima here. Another roundtable is in the works and you should look forward to it ;)

Muchos thank yous go out to Lauro for moderating this conversation and getting it internet ready.

From the Letras Latinas blogsite: 
Letras Latinas, the literary program of the Institute forLatino Studies, seeks to enhance the visibility, appreciation and study of Latino literature both on and off the campus of the University of Notre Dame. We are particularly interested in projects that identify and support emerging Latino/a writers. Letras Latinas actively seeks collaboration with individuals and organizations in order to more effectively carry out its mission. Letras Latinas is under the direction of Francisco Aragón, with assistance from Notre Dame M.F.A. candidate Lauro Vazquez.


Monday, October 15, 2012

It's been how long since I last posted?!

I have spent the last two weeks watching Gossip Girl, editing poems, and making too many Spotify playlists. I started submitting work to journals last night. I usually send out to no more than twelve or so journals and only once a year. I know some poets do far more than that...but I am slow at it (and I'm ok with that). I may do a bit more than that, but I am not sure. It takes me a long time to select which poem/s I will send to which journal. Sometimes I just know, other times it's a struggle.

On that note, I sent Beloit Poetry Journal some poems in June (on a whim, I didn't actually think they'd accept something) and they picked up one of my poems...say what?! Look for "Recurring Dream as Tire" in their Winter 2012/2013 issue.

Puerto Del Sol also took one of my poems (?!). Look for "From Magdalen's Port; 1950s" in their issue due out this month.

We'll see how this round of submissions goes. I'm excited about it, I am.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ostrich Review

Some writer friends and I have started a literary journal, Ostrich Review. We are looking for great poetry, fiction, and art. Send us something!

Check us out here.

Our inaugural issue will feature GC Waldrep, Carolyn Hembree and more phenomenal talent.