Monday, October 15, 2012

It's been how long since I last posted?!

I have spent the last two weeks watching Gossip Girl, editing poems, and making too many Spotify playlists. I started submitting work to journals last night. I usually send out to no more than twelve or so journals and only once a year. I know some poets do far more than that...but I am slow at it (and I'm ok with that). I may do a bit more than that, but I am not sure. It takes me a long time to select which poem/s I will send to which journal. Sometimes I just know, other times it's a struggle.

On that note, I sent Beloit Poetry Journal some poems in June (on a whim, I didn't actually think they'd accept something) and they picked up one of my poems...say what?! Look for "Recurring Dream as Tire" in their Winter 2012/2013 issue.

Puerto Del Sol also took one of my poems (?!). Look for "From Magdalen's Port; 1950s" in their issue due out this month.

We'll see how this round of submissions goes. I'm excited about it, I am.
